The Travel House 2015 has ended

True, it ended four weeks ago. Part of the club staff was travelling to promote our book Bantustan, and the schedule was heavy, while the another...

Tibet: A Proclamation

A man born of a flower in space
a man riding a stallion born by a barren mare
holding the reins of the turtle's hair
using a...

Tonga: A Social Poem

We sat chatting about Vavau Tua Lik;
Then the women spoke to us:
"Let's go look for Lik, to watch the sunset;
Let's listen to the...

Travel House 2014: Tbilisi

After Istanbul and Granada, our Travel House is moving to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. All travelers can stay there for free, between July 1 and...

Travel House 2015: Athens

It's The Travel Club's big annual project. We go to a country and rent a house, where travelers from all over the world can stay for free.

Travel House 2015: Αθήνα

Μετά την Κωνσταντινούπολη, τη Γρανάδα και την Τιφλίδα, το Travel House μετακομίζει στην Αθήνα, την πρωτεύουσα την Ελλάδας. Όλοι οι ταξιδιώτες...

Traveling With a Tent

If you're a shoestring traveler, accommodation might be the single most expensive item on your budget. A small, light tent can save you a lot of...

Western Mongolia: A Poem

I have a shade of thick fir-trees
at the foot of the high mountains.
The summer of distant plains,
come back to us one day! I have a...

Yoruba People: Shango

Shango is a death that kills money with a big stick
A lying man dies in his home
Shango hits a fool
The liar runs away as soon as...

Дом путешественника в Афинах 2015

После Стамбула, Гранады и Тбилиси, наш Дом Путешественника (Travel House) движется в Афины, столицу Греции. Все путешественники могут остаться там...