The Travel House in Tbilisi, 2014
* Welcome to The Travel Club’s Travel House in Athens. Please read these basic house rules and keep them in mind at all times. *
The limit for staying in the House is four nights.
Be quiet at all times. Don’t play loud music, shout or talk loudly. If we give the neighbours a reason to complain, we will have a big problem.
Be especially quiet in the corridor. When you’re coming or leaving, be extremely quiet in the building. No loud talking, shouting or singing in the corridor. Don’t slam the doors.
Don’t wait in front of the building. If neighbours see crowds of foreigners coming, going and standing in front of their building, they will get worried. If you’re waiting for someone, wait at the bottom end of the street.
Don't come between 01:00 and 08:00 a.m. If your plane/train/bus arrives in that interval, please wait till 08:00 on the airport/bus or train station and then come to the Travel House. Most of the people sleep those hours. You don't want to wake them up and make them angry at you.
No smoking. No drugs of any kind are allowed. You can drink a beer or two, but you mustn’t get drunk. And please don’t come to the House wasted.
No parties. Quiet social activities are welcome.
If you damage anything, you pay. We have left a large deposit. In case something gets damaged, we may not get our money back. A positive thing is that the house is empty, so there's not much that you can damage.
Keep your valuables with you. We are not expecting thieves or kleptomaniacs and they haven't visited us so far, but it’s better to be on the safe side. You are the only one responsible for your stuff.
This project is funded by personal donations. Donations aren’t compulsory, but are welcome. There are bills to pay – power, water, Internet – as well as things like cooking oil etc, not to mention the rent for 2 months. If you’d like to leave a donation, put it in the donation box. Nobody will ask you for a donation, or check whether you have donated or not. It's totally up to you, and it's definitely not a precondition for staying in the Travel House. And don’t worry if it’s only symbolic: it will add up.
You can also donate right away via Paypal:
In the Travel House, there are no guests. Everyone is a host. So,
- if you see something broken, fix it.
- if you see something lacking (soap, toilet-paper, cooking oil, detergent etc), buy it.
- if you see something dirty (toilet, bathroom, kitchen, floors, balconies), wash it.
There is a nice term that we will borrow from the Rainbow Gatherings: “drainbows”. Those are the people who just take and don’t give. The Travel House is not a perfect free-for-all. It is a community we’re all building together. Think how you can contribute.
Keep the House clean & tidy! Don’t leave your stuff lying around in mess. Whoever walks in should have an impression of a clean, nice, tidy place. Especially if the owner comes for a surprise visit!
No pets! Absolutely no dogs, cats, parrots, fish. Parrots that can speak are welcome.
If you find any of these rules too hard to follow, you will be asked to leave immediately. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay and help us make this small contribution to global travel culture.
Before you come:
Please notify us before you come. To make sure we have enough room for you, and also to make sure that we’re there to let you in, please tell us when you’re planning to come, how many persons, how many nights.
Make sure to bring your sleeping bag & mat. There are no beds in the Travel House. Only the floor.
The address of the House will not be published online. When you notify us that you’re coming, you’ll get the detailed instructions how to find us. Please keep the instructions to yourself and don’t publish them anywhere.
Read the house rules. If you don’t follow the rules during your stay, you will be asked to leave immediately. So it’s a good idea to get familiar with them beforehand.
Don't ask us if you can stay more than you applied for. You can't. There are other people waiting.
If you do any sort of creative work – writing, drawing, photography, film, music – and you want to contribute to the Travel House, please mention it. We will publish the best photos, writings, films, drawings etc. on our website.
Statistics & Guestbook:
We’d like to have some statistics about the Travel House project. Namely, we’d like to know how many people have used it, where did they come from, what their age groups and occupations were, where they are headed after Athens, how long they are planning to stay on the road, do they hitchhike or use some other form of transportation etc. So we’ll kindly ask you to make your entry in our guestbook to make this possible.